Saturday, September 28, 2013

Pest Control Dos and Don’ts

There’s no debate about it: when you have a pest problem, it’s a big deal. If left uncontrolled, bugs can bring disease, consume and contaminate food, and damage property. Therefore, homeowners will want to take case of any pest issues as soon as possible. However, one has to ask: what’s the proper way to do that? Here are some Dos and Don’ts to consider before calling pest control services in Jacksonville, Florida.


Keep your house clean: Cleanliness is next to godliness, as they say. Aside from that, though, it’s a great way to keep bugs away from your home. That’s because pests love dirty houses. They love being able to eat bits of food that fall on the floor, and they love being able to hide and make families in little spaces that are out of sight. They love living under piles of useless trash, and shredding old paper to make nests. So, the cleaner your home is, the harder it will be for bugs to live there.

Fix water leaks: As much as bugs love dirty places, they also love wet places. It’s hard to think of a living thing that does not need water. For bugs, it’s not just something to drink; a nice, wet spot in the house is also a place for them to leave their waste in, lay their eggs, and even find other insects, fungi, and other growths that they can eat. Therefore, the homeowner who’s serious about pest control should also be serious about getting rid of unwanted wet areas.

Seal cracks and holes: Insects do not want to be seen. This makes sense, because if they are, chances are they’ll get killed. Therefore, the smart insect will want to look for hidden places and hidden paths around the house. If there are any holes in your floor or cracks in the wall, they are an opening that pests can get through. Don’t give them that chance.


Spray pesticide all over: Some well-meaning homeowners think that using insecticide everywhere is a good idea. However, we have to remember that a lot of insecticides are dangerous not just to insects, but to people as well. Overusing pesticides can cause health risks to adults, children, and even pets, so this should be avoided. Use just the right amount of pesticide, and use it only in areas where it’ll be useful.

Store insecticides just anywhere: Just as you don’t want to use insecticides just anywhere, you don’t want to keep it just anywhere. If you have adventurous children, and they have a tendency to hide and explore the house, they may stumble upon things that they should not. Also remember that most pesticides are flammable. To avoid danger, make sure to store pesticides in a safe place away from children and sparks or heat.

Use outdoor chemicals indoors: Finally, remember that not all pesticides are made equal. Some are made for home use, while some stronger formulations are made especially for use outdoors. Industrial-strength pesticides are, of course, dangerous to use in your home, so take note of the type of chemicals you use. 

There are more guidelines to follow in keeping your home pest-free, but most of them can be followed using just your own common sense. However, if the problem is severe enough to warrant the need for pest control services, Jacksonville, Florida residents may want to call for professional help.

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