Thursday, October 17, 2013

5 Steps on How to Get Rid of Cockroaches

Finding exterminatorsJacksonville, Florida residents trust is quite challenging. Good thing is, you can still prevent cockroaches and other pests from invading your home just by considering these:

1. Where are the roaches?

To figure out where they're hiding, look for the pellets or droppings (usually in brown or black color) that these critters leave on cupboards, cabinets, and walls. Make sure to look for these droppings as these will confirm their presence in your home.

2. Where are they found?

Roaches and other pests love to hide in the dark. Investigate your house for all the holes, vents, drains, and cracks where they can enter.

3. How can you kill them?

Here are some of the most effective extermination methods that you could do while waiting for the experienced exterminators to fully eradicate the pests from your home:

Borax has a lot of uses. It can be used as an all-purpose cleaner, a stainless steel/porcelain stain remover paste, and of course, as a pest exterminator (it desiccates the pests' exoskeleton).

Insecticide spray
The most effective and efficient way is to spray the insecticide in the holes, vents, or cracks where you think the roaches are hiding. Remember to follow the instructions on how to use the insecticide and to keep kids and pets away when spraying.

There are several types of bait available: Gel, Liquid, Adhesive, and Solid. The only way to determine the bait's effectiveness is if it is enough to eliminate the proportion of the population of the critters in the house. Also, soap and water solution can be highly effective.

4. Keep it clean.

After numbers 1 to 3, you must remember to do the following so as to prevent reinfestation:

Roaches are particularly attracted to water, so make sure to fix the leaks in the bathroom and kitchen sink.

Regularly empty the trash can and keep garbage away from the house.

Remember to not leave dirty dishes overnight and to keep utensils, kitchenware, and food containers sealed.

Seal every crack (shelves, window moldings, floor, doors), and every hole in the wall to block the entrance of roaches.

5. If symptoms persist...

Just in case the above don't work (possibly because of the extremeness of the infestation), you must contact pest-control exterminators since they are experienced and licensed to use strong chemicals.

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