Friday, September 20, 2013

Five Simple Solutions to Pest Problems

Want to Minimize Pest Problems? Consider These Solutions

We all know that pests can be a big problem; they can threaten people’s health and property. What most people do not know is how to solve their own pest problems. Below are five possible solutions that we think most will find simple enough to use:

Prevent Them from Getting Comfortable

The first thing is to make sure they do not breed in your home. A good rule of thumb is that insects usually like moist and dark places, like under your sink or somewhere in your bathroom. If you can make those places brighter or less damp, then insects will like them less.

Another thing is to keep your house clean and tidy. Every animal needs food to survive; therefore, a big factor for most pests is the presence of easily accessible food. To keep them from wanting to come in, take care of all food spills and clean up your house as well as you can.

Trick Them with Traps

Another approach is to exploit insects’ natural instincts. By taking advantage of their fondness for food and dark places, one can make an effective trap to get them. A popular example: take a clear plastic bottle and cut the top part off. Put sugar water in the bottom part and wrap the outside in black paper. Put the top part of the soda bottle (upside down) on the bottom part then leave it someplace dark and humid. Mosquitoes will be attracted to the dark space and sugar water in the bottom half; in two weeks, there should be a significant collection already.

Rub Them Out and Keep Them Out

If you don’t want to trap insects, then you can choose to take more extreme action and exterminate them. For instance, you can use readily available bug spray to kill them. Bug zappers can also be effective if used right (do not put them near places where people are; they attract insects, so you don’t want them near anyone). Keep in mind, though, that since mosquitoes aren’t attracted to UV light, the UV light emitted by bug zappers will not be effective against them.

Finally, if you have successfully rid your house of creepy crawlies, you’ll want to keep them out. To do that, look for the possible entry points they used before, like cracks or small holes, and seal them up. You may also want to replace any rotted wood that they left behind, as this can attract new waves of pests.

All of these methods can be effective; however, there are times when the infestation is overwhelming, or the source of the insects cannot be found. In cases like those, it may be time to hire exterminators. For Jacksonville, Florida residents, the people at Bugmaniacs are available to provide their own expertise.

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