Thursday, September 26, 2013

All-Natural Pest Control: Kitchen Edition

For most of us, pest control mean getting a spray can full of noxious chemicals and nuking the bug problem as we cover our noses and eyes. The aftermath usually involves needing to keep your family away from the area because nobody wants their kids inhaling those fumes. Getting rid of pests can be such a hassle, and potentially hazardous, to boot! You may be surprised to find out that there are safe pest control methods that need things that you can find in your cupboard! Many herbs and other everyday ingredients can keep the bugs at bay.


Ants will not cross lines of cinnamon, coffee grounds or cayenne pepper. Trace the line of ants back to their point of entry and seal it up with a small amount of these household items.


Bay leaves and garlic are your go-to herbs for these hardy rascals. Don't go overboard because only the slightest hint of the smell is needed. You don't want your room to smell like the kitchen! This treatment is especially good for those hard-to-reach ledges that cockroaches love—and you hate to reach!


Slice up a lemon and put it in a cup with some boiling water. Wait overnight and use the resulting solution to wipe down your dog.


These flying health hazards are best dealt with by eliminating stagnant water, which they use to breed. To keep mosquitoes away, you can boil lemon rind and let the citrus scent waft through your home. During barbeques, a bit of sage or rosemary in the coals will turn the smoke from the grill into an effective mosquito repellant!

If you encounter these pests, a cheap and safe solution might be within arm's reach. However, if the infestation has gotten too severe, don't hesitate to call in professionals to provide comprehensive pest control solutions.

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