Saturday, September 28, 2013

Pest Control Dos and Don’ts

There’s no debate about it: when you have a pest problem, it’s a big deal. If left uncontrolled, bugs can bring disease, consume and contaminate food, and damage property. Therefore, homeowners will want to take case of any pest issues as soon as possible. However, one has to ask: what’s the proper way to do that? Here are some Dos and Don’ts to consider before calling pest control services in Jacksonville, Florida.


Keep your house clean: Cleanliness is next to godliness, as they say. Aside from that, though, it’s a great way to keep bugs away from your home. That’s because pests love dirty houses. They love being able to eat bits of food that fall on the floor, and they love being able to hide and make families in little spaces that are out of sight. They love living under piles of useless trash, and shredding old paper to make nests. So, the cleaner your home is, the harder it will be for bugs to live there.

Fix water leaks: As much as bugs love dirty places, they also love wet places. It’s hard to think of a living thing that does not need water. For bugs, it’s not just something to drink; a nice, wet spot in the house is also a place for them to leave their waste in, lay their eggs, and even find other insects, fungi, and other growths that they can eat. Therefore, the homeowner who’s serious about pest control should also be serious about getting rid of unwanted wet areas.

Seal cracks and holes: Insects do not want to be seen. This makes sense, because if they are, chances are they’ll get killed. Therefore, the smart insect will want to look for hidden places and hidden paths around the house. If there are any holes in your floor or cracks in the wall, they are an opening that pests can get through. Don’t give them that chance.


Spray pesticide all over: Some well-meaning homeowners think that using insecticide everywhere is a good idea. However, we have to remember that a lot of insecticides are dangerous not just to insects, but to people as well. Overusing pesticides can cause health risks to adults, children, and even pets, so this should be avoided. Use just the right amount of pesticide, and use it only in areas where it’ll be useful.

Store insecticides just anywhere: Just as you don’t want to use insecticides just anywhere, you don’t want to keep it just anywhere. If you have adventurous children, and they have a tendency to hide and explore the house, they may stumble upon things that they should not. Also remember that most pesticides are flammable. To avoid danger, make sure to store pesticides in a safe place away from children and sparks or heat.

Use outdoor chemicals indoors: Finally, remember that not all pesticides are made equal. Some are made for home use, while some stronger formulations are made especially for use outdoors. Industrial-strength pesticides are, of course, dangerous to use in your home, so take note of the type of chemicals you use. 

There are more guidelines to follow in keeping your home pest-free, but most of them can be followed using just your own common sense. However, if the problem is severe enough to warrant the need for pest control services, Jacksonville, Florida residents may want to call for professional help.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

All-Natural Pest Control: Kitchen Edition

For most of us, pest control mean getting a spray can full of noxious chemicals and nuking the bug problem as we cover our noses and eyes. The aftermath usually involves needing to keep your family away from the area because nobody wants their kids inhaling those fumes. Getting rid of pests can be such a hassle, and potentially hazardous, to boot! You may be surprised to find out that there are safe pest control methods that need things that you can find in your cupboard! Many herbs and other everyday ingredients can keep the bugs at bay.


Ants will not cross lines of cinnamon, coffee grounds or cayenne pepper. Trace the line of ants back to their point of entry and seal it up with a small amount of these household items.


Bay leaves and garlic are your go-to herbs for these hardy rascals. Don't go overboard because only the slightest hint of the smell is needed. You don't want your room to smell like the kitchen! This treatment is especially good for those hard-to-reach ledges that cockroaches love—and you hate to reach!


Slice up a lemon and put it in a cup with some boiling water. Wait overnight and use the resulting solution to wipe down your dog.


These flying health hazards are best dealt with by eliminating stagnant water, which they use to breed. To keep mosquitoes away, you can boil lemon rind and let the citrus scent waft through your home. During barbeques, a bit of sage or rosemary in the coals will turn the smoke from the grill into an effective mosquito repellant!

If you encounter these pests, a cheap and safe solution might be within arm's reach. However, if the infestation has gotten too severe, don't hesitate to call in professionals to provide comprehensive pest control solutions.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Five Simple Solutions to Pest Problems

Want to Minimize Pest Problems? Consider These Solutions

We all know that pests can be a big problem; they can threaten people’s health and property. What most people do not know is how to solve their own pest problems. Below are five possible solutions that we think most will find simple enough to use:

Prevent Them from Getting Comfortable

The first thing is to make sure they do not breed in your home. A good rule of thumb is that insects usually like moist and dark places, like under your sink or somewhere in your bathroom. If you can make those places brighter or less damp, then insects will like them less.

Another thing is to keep your house clean and tidy. Every animal needs food to survive; therefore, a big factor for most pests is the presence of easily accessible food. To keep them from wanting to come in, take care of all food spills and clean up your house as well as you can.

Trick Them with Traps

Another approach is to exploit insects’ natural instincts. By taking advantage of their fondness for food and dark places, one can make an effective trap to get them. A popular example: take a clear plastic bottle and cut the top part off. Put sugar water in the bottom part and wrap the outside in black paper. Put the top part of the soda bottle (upside down) on the bottom part then leave it someplace dark and humid. Mosquitoes will be attracted to the dark space and sugar water in the bottom half; in two weeks, there should be a significant collection already.

Rub Them Out and Keep Them Out

If you don’t want to trap insects, then you can choose to take more extreme action and exterminate them. For instance, you can use readily available bug spray to kill them. Bug zappers can also be effective if used right (do not put them near places where people are; they attract insects, so you don’t want them near anyone). Keep in mind, though, that since mosquitoes aren’t attracted to UV light, the UV light emitted by bug zappers will not be effective against them.

Finally, if you have successfully rid your house of creepy crawlies, you’ll want to keep them out. To do that, look for the possible entry points they used before, like cracks or small holes, and seal them up. You may also want to replace any rotted wood that they left behind, as this can attract new waves of pests.

All of these methods can be effective; however, there are times when the infestation is overwhelming, or the source of the insects cannot be found. In cases like those, it may be time to hire exterminators. For Jacksonville, Florida residents, the people at Bugmaniacs are available to provide their own expertise.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Rid Your Home of Stagnant Water for Better Mosquito Control

Mosquitoes can be an absolute nuisance without the help of exterminators. Jacksonville, Florida residents know they can also transmit dangerous diseases like the West Nile virus. Controlling a severe infestation might require professionals, but there are some ways you can prevent the situation from getting that bad.

The simplest and most effective way to avoid infestations is to eliminate the stagnant water where mosquitoes breed. Bird baths and clogged gutters are usual suspects, but you’d be surprised that stagnant water can occur in the unlikeliest places. Got old rubber tires loitering in your garage? Maybe some water got trapped in the interior while you were washing your car. Maybe some empty beer or soda bottles got stowed away and forgotten after the last barbecue. All it takes is some rainwater to turn a couple of harmless bottles into a breeding ground for the mosquito menace.

Some of us have small ponds in our backyards, and it might not be feasible to replace the water in these often. In case of bigger bodies of stagnant water, it might be a good idea to inhabit them with fish and insects that feed on the mosquito larvae. Health services in many states even provide mosquitofish for free.

These precautions can go a long way in making sure that the mosquito population and the threat of disease it presents are kept at a tolerable minimum. It also doesn’t hurt that these efforts coincide with keeping your surroundings tidier! If the situation is already past the point of these simple measures, don’t hesitate to call exterminators. Jacksonville, Florida residents know when it’s time to leave the matter to the professionals.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

How to Avoid Pest Problems at Home

The house is supposed to be enjoyable for Florida residents. For teenagers, it’s a place to relax and rest in. For families, being at home together is a chance to bond. However, sometimes the opportunity comes for insects and pests to multiply and invade your home. They can spoil picnics and barbecues, cause itchiness and pain, and could even cause disease. How do you stop them from ruining your residence? Here are some tips from exterminators Jacksonville, Florida residents should probably take note of.


Many varieties of ants can inhabit cracks in pavements, eat into wooden frames or jambs, or form colonies in soil. Basically, their method of invasion is usually by chewing through wood or sneaking in through tiny spaces. Florida residents can therefore prevent them from getting in altogether by: sealing cracks or holes in the walls (especially outside walls) replacing any broken window frames or torn window screens trimming back bushes or other shrubs so that they do not touch the side of the home immediately cleaning up any food debris and messes in the home The last step may seem simple, but it is very important; even tiny crumbs can make ants more willing to enter your home. Therefore, one has to take steps to keep them from getting attracted.


Mosquitoes are arguably a more annoying and dangerous pest; they’re airborne, and they can cause irritation and viral infections among humans. The key to their life and breeding cycle is still water. They can lay their eggs on the water, not breaking the surface, and the eggs would hatch into larvae which eventually develop into mosquitoes. Mosquitoes can multiply at an alarming rate, reaching thousands within weeks if left unchecked. The best way to avoid mosquito problems, therefore, is to eliminate their breeding grounds. There should be no stagnant water anywhere on the property, so clear out gutters, check drainage ditches, and move receptacles that may collect water to dry areas. If you have birdbaths, fountains, pools, or hot tubs on your property, you’ll likely want to keep them covered or empty.


Cockroaches can also be disgusting and legitimately threatening. There are four common types of roaches in the US, all of which thrive on food and moisture. If you see one, there are probably already a hundred in your home. Therefore, just like with ants and mosquitoes, homeowners should minimize their food messes and water around their home. They should also make sure to detect and repair leaks and damaged pipes immediately.

When It Is Too Late for Defense

Sometimes, residents notice the problem only when the insects are already inside their homes. At that point, it is a better idea to call in professional pest control services. Jacksonville, Florida residents can then rest easy.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Keeping Your House Pest-Free

Why would you be in need of the same pest control services Jacksonville, Florida residents have come to appreciate? Summer is almost out, and just as we're breaking out the swimsuits and the surfboards for our last-minute enjoyment, many insects are breaking out of the last of the winter's sluggishness and are now out in force. While a number of insects are active contributors to the environment, they can become pests if their business takes them too close to our homes. It'll be hard to enjoy your last summer days to the fullest if you have to worry about bees inside your house! If you find yourself in the middle of a severe infestation, it's time to call in the experts. However, if you're not at that point yet, here are some simple tips to keep your home pest-free.

Dealing with Winged Insects

Many insects can be deterred without the use of harsh chemicals that can be harmful to you. Mosquitoes, specifically, can be controlled by keeping an eye out for pockets of stagnant water where mosquito larvae can live in. You'd be amazed at the likelihood of a mosquito plague being caused by a simple clogged gutter! Be watchful for empty soda bottles that have collected some rainwater, wheelbarrows, bird feeders, and other innocuous objects that mosquitoes can use as a breeding pool. As for the mosquitoes that are already in your home, you can try citronella scents, which deter the little pests while being quite appealing to humans.

How to Handle Crawling Pests

As for pests of the crawling kind, you'd be surprised how far simple cleanliness can go. See, many crawling insects like cockroaches and ants get attracted to human homes by the prospect of food—and that's exactly what they find! Errant crumbs on the floor or the occasional harmless uneaten bag of chips lying around is a feast to these insects, and they're likely to come back with friends. Keeping food where it's supposed to be kept can go a long way in making your home less inviting to pests. It's also good to look for holes or cracks that ants use to get into your home. If you see a trail of ants, it's a good idea to trace it back to where line begins so you can plug or caulk the hole up. Building a “moat” with a solution of soap and water is also effective in discouraging ants from treating your house like a buffet.

The summertime should always be a season of fun with friends and family. Pests should never get factored into the equation. With a little awareness, you can keep your home pest-free.