Thursday, November 21, 2013

Setting Things Straight: Misconceptions about Mosquitoes that Jacksonville, Florida Residents May Have

One strange thing about hate is that even though it is an intense emotion directed at something in particular, it's an emotion that also makes us less interested in knowing about the things we hate. This means that the stronger our hatred, the less we tend to know.

This makes sense on a superficial level. For example, people generally hate mosquitoes, but do not know much about them either. Before calling Bug Maniacs or other reliable exterminators, Jacksonville, Florida residents should probably take some time to learn a few things about these flying insects. As they say, to know the enemy is to win the war.

You See One, You've Seen Them All

All most people look for are six legs, two wings, and a long, straw-like proboscis that can prick into human skin. If ever one cares to look more at the differences between mosquitoes, it's automatically assumed that the differences do not matter much. The thing is, these differences are much bigger than we usually think.

The difference between a mosquito with stripes on its legs and one without stripes can be as big as that between a house cat and a lion. An urban mosquito will not do as well in the country, and some species will thrive only in specific areas. What's more, some mosquitoes can thrive only in specific areas, and only female mosquitoes actually bite humans.

They All Can Make You Sick

It's been said that out of more than 3,000 mosquito species worldwide, only a couple of hundred are medically important. That's largely because most mosquito species do not even care about biting humans, preferring to attack amphibians and reptiles instead. Mosquitoes that actually carry diseases tend to be concentrated in specific species. For instance, West Nile Virus and St. Louis encephalitis virus come from the genera Culex. But that doesn't mean those are the only insects capable of transmitting the viruses.

Mosquitoes Have a “Sweet Tooth”

Some believe that mosquitoes prefer to get blood from people who have high blood sugar, or people who smell slightly sweeter. While sweet scents and flavors can be a good attractor for pollinating insects, the same is not true for the parasitic mosquitoes. Instead, they tend to be attracted to people who exhale more carbon dioxide and lactic acid according to research. Also, people tend to be more attractive to mosquitoes after heavy exercise.

These are just some mosquito myths that have been dispelled. If you happen to live in Florida, where mosquitoes are fairly common, you'll probably find this information relevant. If you think that the mosquitoes in your residence are the harmful sort and should be eliminated, call Bug Maniacs, one of the insect exterminators Jacksonville, Florida residents trust and rely on.

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